CTET-UPTET English Pedagogy SET-1

CTET-UPTET Child Pedagogy(बाल विकास एवं शिक्षाशास्त्र) Questions Set-1 in Hindi के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

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ctet english pedagogy notes pdf in hindi,english pedagogy questions and answers pdf आदि CTET English Notes बनाया गया है | 

1. A teacher of Class VII while teaching the poem,The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth asks children to find how the last words of each line sound. What is she trying to draw the attention of learners to?
Rhyme scheme

2. To help the students overcome the problems of spelling mistakes, the teacher will use.... as the teaching strategy.

3. Grammar translation method of teaching English heavily relies on
form-focused teaching 

4. Written description of a child's progress that a teacher keeps on a day-to-day basis is anecdotal record

5. Diphthongs Are also known as
glide vowels

6.Yasmin, an English language teacher, gave her students group work to explore an area and asked them to find important notices and names of places and streets to document them to write a report This activity is known as
activity based learning

7. Mrudusrnita, while teaching a lesson on atoms from the science textbook, gave her students activities based on the theme. The activities included vocabulary and debate on the uses of atomic energy. What is this strategy known as?
Language across curriculum

8. Language proficiency refers to
A. fluency
B. accuracy
C. appropriateness 
D. efficiency
Which of the above are true?
A, C and D

9. A teacher of Class VI in a writing assessment task asked students to write on If I were famous for something...." This is assessment of a/an.... answer.

सामाजिक विज्ञान NOTES in Hindi के लिए यहाँ क्लिक 

10. A good language textbook should
A. contain learner-centred materials.
B. contain teacher-friendly instruction and
content-related materials.
C. incorporate language skills throughout.
D. have more syntactical items in its content.
Which of the above are true?
A, B and D

11. Kavya notes down the errors committed by learners of the class and discusses them once in a fortnight. What is this practice known as?

12. When children are introduced to English as a second language
they should begin with letters of alphabet

13. Eclecticism in language teaching refers to using 
appropriate strategies from various methods of teaching

14. Which of the following approaches/methods advocates linguistic competence and performance?
Communicative approach

15. Global listening is not listening
for specific information



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